Post Image I find that I am changing my vocabulary as my pants get looser. After thinking long and hard about "binges", they just don't seem to fit anymore...kind of like those pants I was talking about.

For me "binge" paints a picture of downing chocolate cake by the light of the refigerator, gobbling Ding Dongs and Ring Dings so fast I can hardly taste them...and maybe eating ice cream until I have to stop because my tongue is so cold that it hurts. No, it's not a pretty picture...downright embarassing, really. That is why binges are usually hidden things. For me, it meant stopping at my favorite fast food drive-thru and ordering enough food so it looked like I was taking it home to a family so that I could sneak around to a remote parking spot at Walmart and consume it all myself.

Did I really just admit to this in a public forum?

I did.

I'm a bit nervous about that, but my saving grace is that I don't do it anymore. At least, I haven't since I started the program. I say all this to get to this point: I am reservng the term "binge" for the behavior I mentioned above. Eating 17 baked tortilla chips instead of the prescribed serving size of 15 is not a binge and therefore should not be served up with binge's traditional side dish: guilt.

Similarly, plowing through my entire weekly point allotment in one holiday meal is not binging, either. Suffice it to say: I should not have felt bad about my 78-point Easter. I should not have thought of it as a "binge" "Binge" discourages tells me that I haven't changed and I'm not in control. Let me tell I traversed the Easter Sunday smorgasboard with my half-cup measure and piled my plate with fat-packed casseroles and even indulged in a Whoopie Pie later...I was not binging. I was having a treat. I was still On Plan and all was A-okay.


I'm going to bite the bullet on his one and simply erase "Piehole" from my vocabulary. I do not have a special facial portal just for pie. Although my mouth has been the passage for many a slice of apple, chocolate cream, strawberry, is no more a "piehole" than it is a "broccolihole" or a "lean turkeyhole". In fact, in spite of my current obesity and the nutritional and portion-control crimes that got me into this mess, I can truthfully say that my mouth has chewed on broccoli and lean proteins far more often than it has munched on pie.

Gosh, I feel so much better now that I got all that off my chest!

This is going to be a great week, my friends! Victory, both on the scale and off, is within our grasp! Lets plan our treats and shovel forkfuls of veggies and high-fiber whole grains into our faces!