Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Look! Ankles!


No, seriously...they are actually distinguishable from my shins and calves. Dang it, they are bony and I can see tendons and...come to think of it, that's kinda gross.

Y'all get what I mean, though, right? It's got to be all that water I'm drinking and the fact that I have not eaten something greasy and salty in a week.

Actually, the swollen ankles have been less of a problem for me in the last two years. Right now, I have ZERO puffiness, but let me tell you...

Two years ago my hubby and I packed up our house and our kiddo and moved 2,000 miles to Texas. (LOVE TEXAS!) Anyway, at the same time we inadvertently gave up drinking soda. We didn't intend to, and I'd been thumbing my nose at anyone who wanted to tell me about Aspartame eating holes in the brains of mice for years, but we just stopped buying it. Up until that point, I think I was drinking up to 6 cans of diet, caffine-free cola a day.

I still want to know how much Aspartame they were feeding those poor holey-brained rodents, but it's the carbonation that seems to have changed my life. As soon as I stopped drinking soda, the ankles stopped swelling.


Yep, just like that.

Of course, puffiness is just a few sips away at any time, but as long as I don't think about the tendons moving around under my pale white skin, I kinda like having ankles again!

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