Post Image When the plumbing isn't working right, we suddenly realize how much we take it for granted. And I'm not talking about the pipes in the walls of your house.

As you might have already realized, this blog is full of subjects that might be a bit of TMI, but I'm really hoping that we can just consider that part of my charm. After all, the process of weight loss is very personal and so are the victory celebrations, no? Odd and sometimes downright gross as they are, this is reality. That said, let us continue and don't say you weren't warned.

My plumbing is working just fine, thanks, and I'm so glad. Losing weight is turning out to be more like potty training than I ever thought it would be. Boy am I focused on bodily eliminations, especially in respect to the minutes just prior to my weigh-in. Don't even try to tell me that you aren't completely bummed (snicker at the pun, go ahead!) when you get the urge to go five minutes after you step off the scale. And don't tell me that you aren't sitting there doing your business and wondering exactly how much your business weighs. I do. I freely admit it. potty trainees, we are focused on our dirty deeds with a concentration that rivals that of professional athletes. Of course, I am a bit of an odd duck all around so I have to start to wonder about whether or not "business time" is the only time that I am actively losing weight. Do I lose weight while I sleep? If I do, where does it go? Doesn't that defy some scientific law, seeing as I'm sure fat doesn't melt and evaporate into thin air?

No, I'm pretty sure that we only lose weight in the bathroom. What a special and hallowed room it is. I think I love the bathroom. More and more every day.

Maybe we lose weight when we exercise, too? Maybe...though those fluids we slake off in the form of sweat do get replaced. I don't know about the scientific soundness of all that, but I do know that even if we do lose weight while exercising, I still think that I like the bathroom method better. Less effort on my part.

Okay, I admit that I am completely laughing inside. Why? Because fifteen minutes from now, this very blog is going to be running laps in your head while you pee! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!