Post Image I have two inner pigs. Pig Will and pig Won't are equally stubborn: Will about the things she will eat and Won't about the things she won't eat. The good news is that they are okay with my change in lifestyle and partnership with Weight Watchers.
Still, On Plan or not, pig Will insists on sweets. Daily. She also gets cranky when she's hungry and is not negotiable when it comes to her consumption of BBQ.

Pig Won't is not going to eat cantalope, sardines, liver or bananas. Never. Not under any circumstances.

(To explain: Cantalope: I want to like it but I just can't. It's a pretty color...I can agree to that. Sardines and liver: do I need a reason? I don't think so. Bananas: I have a very good reason for hating them. It involves yours truly as a poor, defenseless baby, my mother, the inspiration to make home-made baby food, a blender, a bunch of bananas and some leftover liver. Yes, that is another reason for my - er - Won'ts dislike for liver. And I'm not pulling your leg about my mother and the blender.)

But my inner piggies need not worry. Will can have her sweets and BBQ and she doesn't need to worry about heing hungry. Won't doesn't need to fight off nighmares of choking down liver and bananas...again.

I was so thankful this week for the freedom we have in moderation. I didn't need to avoid social situations that would inevitably offer goodies and sweets. I didn't have to abstain, I only needed to keep my head and track what I ate.

Have a great week, everyone! As for me, I'm planning to go out to dinner with Honey and The Boy...and these two giddy piggies!