Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Troll Under My Bridge Is Talking To Me...

I think we all have a personal troll. It's that inner cynic who icks on mywow and tries to make me question my success.

Mine is male, for some reason...I'd really like to know why...and at the moment these are the things he is saying:

You didn't really lose your first five pounds, your scale is broken.

Your scale is broken because you have stretched and squashed its poor little innards by piling you and your excess adipose tissue on top of it.

The stretch marks on your belly are going to look like a rumpled, flesh-colored grass skirt after losing all that weight anyway.

This is just going to be like every other time you said you'd change for good.

The new Points Plus System won't work for you.

So, some of those are probably true only to me, but you KNOW you've heard YOUR troll say a few of those to you before!

These trolls are not happy little guys, I'm sure you can tell. They are sarcastic, evil little monsters. IF ONLY the things they said were whisked from our minds like a fart in a tornado; drowned beneath the deluge of possitive thinking and zealous celebrations on the scale at weigh-in.

I've decided that it isn't a problem that I have a troll. And it isn't a problem that I really do hear him talking to me (I'm not crazy, really). The content of what he has to say isn't the issue, either. The problem is when I make a habit out of listening to him; when I choose to believe what he is saying over what my weight-loss buddies tell me and what reall successes tell me.

So, in addition to beating the tar outta my inner fatty, I guess I'm also going to have to burn the bridge under which that little goblin resides.

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