Post Image I am so reminded of why I am doing this!

Went out to dinner last night (yay). Got to the restaurant and realized they were closed (rats). Instead we went a couple doors down to an Indian buffet where we have been many times.

To make a long story short, I knew I shouldn't go back for that second plate, but I was pretty proud of myself for mostly doing the vegetarian dishes and skimping on the potatos and bread. I limited my rice and had the tandoori chicken, but still: two plates.

And the Indian buffet exacted its revenge.

I left the restaurant so full that the feeling nearly classified as "painful" and so thirsty that upon arriving home, I drank water until I literally thought I might throw up. It was not pleasant. Mild heartburn elbowed me awake around 1 am.

This morning, at about the halfway point of my mile-long hike from my parking spot to my desk, the Indian buffet made its presence known one last time. Suffice it to say that the buffet was about to leave my body in a completely undignified hurry.

I am relieved to report that I did make it to the ladies' room.

It's amazing to me, but in spite of my gluttony, I stayed On Plan. Really, I did. I used more than half of my weeklies, but that is still on plan! I did not binge. I did overeat, however.

I'm glad to have a reminder of why I'm doing this and my reminder was certainly one I understood. I hated feeling like that. I don't want to revisit that condition again anytime soon. How did I live with myself feeling like that so often? I just don't know!

Once again, I am so happy that I am on a plan that is doable in real-life. Real life means that there are times that I eat too much. It is just going to happen. And I don't want to have to beat myself silly every time it happens. I want to be able to pick myself up and continue and all the better if I can track my splurge. If I still see a loss next Tuesday, that will be the sugar-free icing on my fat-free cake! LOL!