Post Image Have you seen my bunnies?

Actually, in honor of Easter I have converted my weight loss to its value in chocolate bunny, so you haven't seen my bunnies and as of my weigh-in yesterday morning, I haven't seen them either.

I did not lose this past week, but I am not disappointed about that. Between the 78 PPs I consumed on Easter Sunday (all my dailies, all remaining weeklies and all but 4 of my activity points!) and the (LATE!) arrival of Aunt Flo (ladies, you know who she is!), I was downright peachy-pleased that I didn't gain. In fact, converting my pounds lost to chocolate bunny loss has served to make me posatively extatic, loss or not!

12 and a half chocolate bunnies.

I spent some time thinking about it. I estimated that this number accounts for just about every Easter at which I received a chocolate bunny. I did have to participate in some fuzzy math, namely involving the fact that I was three the first time I got a basket and until I was ten, my mother managed to eat more of the bunny than I did. Yes, chocolate thievery is hereditary and I shamefully admit to having snitched creamy, sweet morsels from not only The Boy's Easter Basket, but his Halloween candy and other assorted treats as well. To counter my shame, I must proudly point out that for an only child, The Boy is remarkably good at sharing.

I am proud to report that in just four weeks, I have undone the damage of all my childhood chocolate bunnies.

I suppose, however, that this means I am going to have address the impact of the Cadbury Creme Eggs during this coming week. Something tells me those will take a lot longer than the bunnies!