Post Image So, you've heard that saying "Pound wise and penny foolish"? What on earth is that supposed to mean, anyway? Maybe it is ancient wisdom concerning the correlation between weight and money? Or perhaps it is a saying that needs the exchange rate between America and the UK to be applied? I give up.

No matter, I'd like to believe that following Weight Watchers has made me in: I'm wise about taking off pounds. My current trouble has to do with being from Texas. You know, Texas: that magical land where everything is better once you snuggle it in a warm flour tortilla.


Your breakfast of bacon and eggs? Honey, pile it into a tortilla and it's a breakfast taco. You can get them at any one of our millions of Tex-Mex holes-in-the-walls. They are yummy.

Have a hot dog? Who needs the kind of bread-to-dog ratio that you get with a bun?! Slap the weiner into a tortilla and enjoy!

Barbecue? Tortillas!

Pot roast? Tortillas!

Meatloaf? Tortillas!

Salad? Tortillas!

Heck, we even put fish in tortillas! We have tortilla SOUP and we LIKE it. A lot.

There are complications, though. Namely, too many tortillas and I get a little light-headed, forget how many I've eaten and start adding them to my meals like carb-laden condiments gone awry. Those suckers add up, too! The best-for-you ones are 2 points each!

But, in moderation, I love these things. And, if you must eat a hot dog, save points on the bun with the tortilla idea. Just do it.

Come to think of it...I'm' making Coconut Curry Shrimp for dinner tonight...I BET that would be great in a tortilla...
Back in Weight Watcher World, where this was originally posted last month, I did get a comment asking which flour tortillas I had found that only cost 2 points. The Answer:
Mission Medium-Sized Carb Balance Flour Tortillas.
At over $4.00 a package, they are expensive...worth it?  You decide.