The sub-title for this post is: "Thank God For Weekly Points Allowances!"

So, I'm a planner. I LOVE planning my menus: snacks, dinners...the PointsTracker was MADE for people like me! My grocery list is organized, printed off the computer and I cross items off as I put them in the cart. That list also has the dinners for the week listed at the top.

Naturally, when I got on plan with Weight Watchers, I planned. Planned. Planned. Planned. Planned. Planned. And, naturally, this past Saturday night when I was for the first time among a group of people who were trying to figure out where to go grab dinner before a show, I panicked. While they were throwing restaurant names around like hot potatoes, I was breaking a sweat. I hadn't planned ahead! I hadn't gone online and studied the nutritional information for any of the places they were naming! I hadn't figured ahead of time what I was going to order and exactly how many points I was going to spend! There might be a bread basket or, worse, chips and salsa!

We settled on an establishment which shall remain nameless. Suffice it to say, it offers an assortment of sandwiches, bakery items, soups and salads and had great coffee. Initially, I was relieved. I though: sandwiches CANNOT be that "expensive". So, thinking that I had way yonder more points than I needed, I not only had a sandwich, but I had the little bag of chips, too.

Imagine my,, horror...four hours later when I finally got home and made a mad dash for the restaurant website. The price tag for my meal of a sandwich and chips topped 25 points!

Let me tell ya, I was thanking my Fairy Weight Watcher for those weekly points that I thought i'd never use!

Seriously, though, it taught me something. Food is not always what it appears. The sandwich that I thought SURELY must be a good food choice, was far from it.

In contrast, was our dinner out from the previous night. The build-your-own-meal, grilled-in-your-face restaurant (which shall also remain nameless) was a pleasant surprise in the nutritional category. Granted, I had been able to investigate that dining experience and plan ahead using their handy online meal calculator before leaving the house, bit still! For fewer points than that dirty little sandwich and chips, I had two HUGE plates of food, it was DELISH, I left STUFFED and I still was able to get on the scale this morning and see three more pounds bite the dust. Now, I don't recommend stuffing yourself and I probably could have stopped halfway through the second plate, but my point is this:

Plan ahead. Look up the nutritional information at a place that you are so sure is a good choice. You might be surprised. Also, check into some places that you assume would be a dieter's nightmare. Again, you might be surprised. I was.