Thursday, May 19, 2011

Food Obsessions: Thinking About the F-Word in 3-D

Food! (It really does feel like I'm cussing when I say it some times!)

It is the hubby's birthday on Sunday. Thus, I have a cake to bake and frost and (hopefully not) consume in oversized portions. I am officially obsessing about this...which got me thinking.

Is obssessing over food a bad thing? When you say a person obssesses over food, instantly a picture of a woman overflowing the banks of her jeans comes to mind. At least, that's what I think of. But, I'm wrong.

My shape at the moment resembles a certain curvaceous purple dinosaur that I happen to hate, but I did not get this way by obssessing over food. I got this way by ignoring a vital part of what food is; by thinking about food in 2-D. 2-D as in: Food as a Social Element and Food as Taste.

Food as a Social Element:
I LOVE going out to dinner...I love restaurants: the ambiance, the bustle, the decor, the presentation, the lady at the next table with the gold Pandora bracelet and the Hermes bag! EEK!! I also adore being waited on and taking a night off from cooking (even though I like cooking). It is an adventure to be able to try things that I would never attempt to cook and explore other cultures and people through food. I also happen to really like being with the people with whom I tend to go out to dinner a lot.

Of course, there is the backyard barbecue, the Pampered Chef Party, the Candle Party, the Mary Kay Party, Birthday, Anniversary, Engagement! Retirement! Baby Shower! Wedding Shower! PARTY! PARTY! PARTY! Any get-together where there are friends, family, coworkers, people I haven't met yet...we all know it just wouldn't be a party without food. Personally speaking, I love my friend Priscilla's parties because there is always something wrapped in bacon and a homemade cake.

Food as Taste:
Oh, taste...if I started talking to you about how I FEEL about taste, you'd all be running the nearest bakery or creamery or candy shoppe in two seconds flat and I would feel terrible because, well, we are all here because we REALLY shouldn't do that! Out of all my five senses, it is taste that has expanded my girth and forced me to shop at a single clothing store. Taste has caused me a lot of trouble, but I have to admit, it is a love-hate sort of relationship!

The Third Dimension:
Food as an Element of Health. Fuel!

It's uncharted territory in my life as yet. Only when I am OnPlan do I ever consider the third dimension. Only. Ever. Yup.

It's sad and slightly scary because, well, it is at least as important as the other two, and in many cases, moreso. There is nothing wrong with the first two dimensions, friends. Nothing at all. But, when Food as an Element of Our Health gets lost between our belly rolls (Come on, admit you have all "lost" things in your belly rolls! Crumbs? Earrings? The pendant of your necklace? Eating utensils? Coutertop appliances? Furniture? Small children? What, I'm the only one? Geez!), that's when we need WW to help us regain our focus and lose our flab. There is a balance that we need to find between the three.

Like I said, I have a cake to obssess over this weekend. And I will obssess completely. When that birthday party arrives, I am going to carefully cut into that cake. I might even weigh my slice, just to be sure I didn't take too much. I will not feel guilty or strange for my fixation, in fact, as time goes on I will only feel lighter. I must obssess for now...and maybe forever. Maybe someday it will be second nature, maybe not.

So, obssess away, my comrades in shrink! Do it! Think of food in 3-D and know that this weekend, I am with you: obssessing, fixating, focusing, weighing, measuring and...come Tuesday morning...I will be reaping the rewards of losing pounds.

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