Post Image Weigh-In is bright and early tomorrow morning (actually, it will still be dark outside and WI takes place in a bathroom that has no windows, so maybe it doesn't matter?). I am confident that I have lost another pound or so, but for the sake of what is official at the moment, I must state that I have lost 7 pounds, total.

Last week when I put on my pants, I realized exactly which 7 out of my 246 pounds I had lost: the ones that were holding up my pants. Not all my pants, only my gray trouser jeans. They fit perfectly when I bought them at Christmas but last Tuesday, I was nervous to carry anything with me while walking down the hall at work for fear that I wouldn't have a free hand to hike up my drawers. Seriously, it is nothing short of a miricle that I didn't display my panties that day!

It's a good milestone, mostly. The first pair of pants to bite the dust in the wake of my re-emerging figure! Wow!

Honey, leave it to him, pointed out that Weight Watchers was going to cost us a lot more than the prescribed monthly fee. Already, he needs to buy me a new pair of pants.

I suppose it is the quandry of all who endeavor to unload some of their pounds: do I buy clothes that I like, knowing I will not be able to wear them for long, or do I buy cheap, crappy clothes that don't look very nice but, again, I won't have to wear them for very long? I'm leaning towards spending the extra money for things that I like. It's important that I feel good about how I look during the process, not just when I have the "finished" product, right? I think so.

So sometime this week I will be scouring the racks at the singular plus-size store that sells clothes that I like. I will look forward to it much more when I have some selection, but this will do in the meantime. Good thing there is a sale this week!