Post Image I need to replace my spring-loaded turning-dial type scale. I want a new, digital one that will help me keep track of the pounds down to the 0.1, but I have to admit I'm going to miss Hector (yes, I named it).

Hector's bold fives and zeros have been the face of my weight-loss since last year (prior to that we weren't very close...Hector and I, that is). It is because of him that I think of my weight the same way that most people think about buying a house. Yes, a's all about being in the right neighborhood, you know.

Those fives and zeros (Stay with me here! Fives as in 5, 15, 25, or, in my case, 265, 255, 245. And Zeros as in 260, 250 and so on.) neatly divided up my struggles into manageable sections. I might have weighted 264 in the beginning, but I saw it as "around 265". Likewise, when I got on the scale this morning I had reached the territory of 235. 235! I said 235! Four pounds. Wow.

Anyway...I'im getting side-tracked...

So Hector does have to go. I need accuracy and must be confident that my scale is telling me what I actually weigh. Specifically, I need this to shut up Fatty and Troll. If you don't know who they are, and you really care, you're going to have to read my first and third (I think) blogs.

You probably understand, this is a HUGE deal. Switching scales might mean a gain, which isn't really a gain, but just a more accurate reading. No matter, it will still feel like a gain. Granted, it could also make for an unanticipated loss, but I'm trying to stick with reality at this point. I know it's all in my head, and that the real important thing is how my pants are fitting, but we ALL care about that number. The lower it gets, the more we cherish it. Lets all just admit it!

So, I am bidding farewell to Hector and his fives and zeros. He will always be there in my mind, digital display or not. I will forever think of 227.5 as "around 225" and, thus, feel better about it.

Thank you, Hector, you will be missed my friend!