Post Image Honey and The Boy are running around the house f*rting on each other. I'm afraid this is a very regular occurance around here. I'm not as annoyed about it as I would usually be and that's mostly because I'm wondering how many APs they are earning while doing it. Yep, it doesn't take much to distract mom sometimes. Especially when she is forcing herself not to lie to her AP tracker.

Amazing. It just figures that with my two men, gas would enter into such healthful practices as exercise. I'm about to faint from the fumes, but I'll go down with a grin because I'm reminded that moving our body takes all forms, even silly ones sometimes. I shouldn't try to be so dignified about it.

In case you are wondering, I am not going to join in. For many reasons. One of which is my pride in my delicate femininity. Another is that joining into their "game" would be akin to engaging a pair of nuclear warheads with a squirt gun. It's just not gonna work. I'm a little ashamed to say, but I've tried to fight back before. I've loaded up on yogurt, fiber bars and the like but, still, mama's got nothin'.

Anyway, off to an outdoor movie at our church tonight. There is going to be a concession stand *shudder*. Here goes nothin'!