Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Why You Will Like It

I've always been a fatty inside.

As a teenager, I was reasonably slender but never fit into the "skinny" mold. Because of this, my self-perception gave birth to what I will call my "Inner Fatty" Fatty has grown and developed over time into quite the disagreeable monster.

Now, after getting married I put on weight. Lots of weight. A hundred pounds, to be exact. I became exactly what I'd believed I was since childhood: a Fatty.

For the last twelve years the Inner Fatty has been smuggly whispering in my ear that I'm always going to be this way because this is who I really am.

In January of 2010, I punched Inner Fatt in the eye, dug out my old WW materials and decided that I was not going to be fat at my 40th birthday party. I was 32 and, yes, I am REALLY into planning ahead. So, looking eight years down the road I decided that if I lost just 25 pounds a year and let myself put 5 of it back on during the holidays, I could lose 100 pounds in five years. I proceded to lost my first 25 in 2010.

Now, here we are in April, 2011. I kept off the 20 I vowed to keep off and it's time to punch Inner Fatty in the other eye.

I've signed up for WW online and LOVE IT! While my five-year plan was a good one, it's time to go for broke. Honestly, losing the first 20 was too easy and I'm not afraid of challenges. If I can have that 100 pounds gone by 35, why not?!

In just my first week, I lost two pounds and realized that Inner Fatty has been lying to me all these years!


Many of my posts are going to be about weight-loss. So, if you are thinking about shedding pounds yourself, you you like to point and laugh at those of us who are, read on.

I joined Weight Watchers at the end of March and started using their blogging tool there. I found it quite helpful to catalog my journey that way, so it upset me to realize that if I were to ever discontinue my membership, all of those posts would be lost. As a writer who hopes to be published someday, I also wanted to expand my horizons in the form of a blog that could be read by anyone with internet access instead of just people who pay eighteen bucks a month for an online Weight Watchers membership. Above is my first post from the WW website. Hope you enjoyed...but I think it is the most boring thing I've ever posted. I wrote it thinking that it had to be some kind of requirement to fill readers in on how I ended up so...expanded.

I do promise that there will be posts that delve into other topics, but at the moment, my life is largely dictated by points, baggy pants and fending off cravings. There will be recipes, to be sure. And a few rants. Hope you enjoy the ride and I will LOVE YOU FOREVER if you bother to leave a comment or follow my blog.

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