Post Image Tomorrow morning is going to be good news and bad news. I get to sleep in, but I have to go to the doctor...that special doctor who specializes in women. Yeah...not a fun sort of man. It doesn't help that I've never been to this particular doctor before, haven't been to a doctor in nearly a decade, and...I won't post the poor man's name on this here blog, but lets just say that it is pronounced vrey similarly to the word "ornery".

I'm thinking that this is not going to be fun.

But on to what I really want to write about today: I got my scale!

It is lovely and digital and, according to advertizing, very, very, seriously, completely accurate.

Accuracy is extremely important to me. It appeals to the planner / organizer in me, I guess. My issues with my previous scale remind me of a very serious issue that popped up early in my marriage to Honey.

Honey is one of those people who think that the only way to get anywhere on time is to create a series of virtual time warps in your house. You know...the alarm clock is set ten minutes fast, the clock in the kitchen is five minutes fast, the DVR clock is telling you the time in China because...well, because that's where it came from and no one can figure out how to set it correctly anyway. EVERY.SINGLE.CLOCK. DIFFERENT. TIME.

Nearly drove me insane.

To add insult to injury, Honey insisted that he was doing all this to help me to get places on time. Right.

I won't claim to be perfect, but I will tell you: I was a slowpoke as a kid and I hated having that reputation. As an adult, I am extremely punctual. Not only did I not need Honey's help, but his "help" only served to confuse me and make me want to pinch his head right off his shoulders.

Anyway, all I wanted to know is: What time is it really?
We finally resolved the clock issues (read: I got my way). This brings me to the scale. It's been nice knowing how much I am losing, but i just gotta know how much I really weigh. Really.

Enter my new digital scale (who has not been named yet, if any of y'all have ideas). This scale has a lot in common with tomorrow morning: it's good and bad. Good because now I know exactly how much I weight. Bad because now I know that Harvey was off to the tune of fifteen pounds. And you can guess the direction in which he erred.

So tomorrow I have to make some adjustments to my stats. I'm disappointed to know that I have a lot farther to go than I thought, but if I can lose 100 pounds, what's 15 more, right? Besides, this isn't about how long I'll be watching my weight, I'll be doing it for the rest of my life, fifteen pounds more or not.

On the bright side, I have only 1 pound to go before I'm out of the 250s! That and tomorrow when Dr. Ornery (!!) inevitably ask me what I'm doing about my obesity, I have a good answer for him.

Have a great week, y'all.