Post Image It is safe to say that I have indeed lost my head. Not my mind, my whole head. Figuratively and literally...well, sort of.

Between extra trips to various places for things I forgot and inane responses to basic questions, I am clearly not "with it" today. On one hand, I'm completely chalking it up to the fact that it's Friday and my mind mistook today for the start of a long weekend (unfortunately, it's long gone already and took with it the memory if its cell phone number. *sigh*). On the other hand, this has revealed one encouraging fact for me to ponder. Granted, it's odd, but unless you are reading this blog for the first time, you probably anticipated that.

The average adult human head weights between eight and twelve pounds. Since my top-knot is not oversized and I have lost 11 pounds in the last five weeks, I am going to continue along the path of thought that I began in my posts about my bunnies and the one about my pants...I have really, really lost my head. More specifically, I have lost the equivilent of my head...but with the way this day has been going, the analogy is working just fine.

In updates that would probably be considered mundane by non-Weight Watchers, I am a very satisfied non-dieter. I am never hungry, I am never deprived and I can confidently approach any food-involved situation and emerge on the other side unscathed. Miraculous. I struggle from time to time, sure...but for the first time ever, my mind is beginninig to close affectionately around the idea of doing this for the rest of my life.

Good things. Good things.