Post Image When I was a kid, if something turned up missing the first thing you had to do was declare that you did not eat it. Whether or not the missing item was actually food was utterly irrelevant. In keeping with my upbringing: we have the title to today's blog post.

At first I thought the grill had been stolen, which would have led to great fits of crying, formation of a family task force, and pronouncement of some horrible judgement upon the perpetrator.

It was not stolen. It was left at the BIL and SIL's last weekend. We brought it there because the BIL has recently developed an irrational fear of his propane grill and thought that our charcoal kettle version might be less likely to induce arm-hair loss. No matter, Honey ended up tending the meats in the end.

The bad news is that this puts a damper on my plans for PP-friendly grilled meals this week, and of all weeks for that to happen, this is not the one I would have picked. First, because swim team practices have commenced for The Boy. This means that the time during which I would normally be preparing dinner, I am pool-side and sweaty instead. It would have been incredibly handy if Honey could be sharing the workload during the dinner shift this week.

Second, I am going to need some low-PP options this week. Keep reading for my reasons:

Related good/bad news:

If the grill really had been missing, I would have been able to prove that I had not eaten it because when I got on the scale (who is still unnamed!) this morning, it told me I lost 1.4 pounds. There is no way that I could eat a grill and still lose weight.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how I managed to lose a single ounce, and as this week is shaping up to be quite similar to last week in that I have already dipped into my weeklies and it is only lunch on day one, I am afraid to tempt fate once again. Surely I will lose...or gain, depending on how you look at it!

Consequently, the missing grill is going to throw a wrench in my quest for an On-Plan week. I will find a way to manage, I am sure.

That grill just better not show up on my scale next Tuesday, because I swear I did not eat it!